martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Misery's impact on culture.

Stephen King's Misery was such a success around the world. Everyone knows him for his works and epic moments on his novels. The Shining was not the exception. 30 seconds to Mars made a video called "The Kill" which is inspired on Stephen King's The Shining. "It" was another movie that had such an impact, specially with the little kids who were afraid of Pennywise. Without a doubt, King is such a genius and he knows how to make an impact with every work. And, of course, Misery is not the exception at all. A mexican group called "División Minúscula" wrote a song based on this novel, the song is called "Tinta Y Papel" and it talked about obssesion. Maroon 5 has a song relationed with Misery too. It is called "Misery", so original right?. The video is quite similar to the plot of Misery.
It is not a surprise that Misery caused such impact on society, we all have our own Annie, inside or outside us.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011


Misery is such an interesting book because, in my personal opinion, King is the only author who can take put your biggest fears with easy things or just daily things. King doesn't need blood or monsters to make you feel scared. It's all in the mind and he knows that. Mind control is a key for King's movies. It's just that feeling when you know thta these things could happen at anytime and the worst things is that these things could happen in your daily life. That's why I loved the book, Misery is about Annie's searching. Searching in life & love. She found that on Misery's books which is totally good but what happened at some point? She was totally mental and she put her life on Misery's life. Human nature is different and it depends on each person's psychology. If you read the book carefully, you'll find out all these things. It's such a master piece because King talked about human nature, searching of life & obsession which makes a perfect combination and you can see in the novel.

I'm your #1 FAN.

At the end of the novel, Paul is eating with a friend in a restaurant. Suddenly, his friend asked him about his new novel which is inspired on Annie's situation. Paul told him that Annie made him strong and capable to do new things. Then, the waitress came and, it's Annie, she told him to Paul if he wanted something else. Paul said that it's enough and the waitress said "Oh, by the way Mr. Sheldon, I'M YOUR NUMBER 1 FAN!". Now the waitress is not Annie and suddenly she is. Paul saw her a lot of times on his fans' faces or just in people's faces but thta was quite good for him because he could get over Annie at all.

The End...

Pain, that's what Paul lived the last weeks of his life but know he has Annie on his hands with the new Misery's book. Annie want to see it but Paul has an idea. He will burn the book in front of Annie and then it'll be the end of both. At the end of the story, Annie killed the sheriff and try to kill Paul because he burned the book. They had a confrontation that it's just awesome, you can't stop reading the book in that specific part. Annie seems to be killed now, so Paul run - on his "particular" way - to the door and then, SURPRISE, the deathless Annie is here, Paul fight for his life and try so at the end he can't take it anymore and .... Paul killed Annie. He finally can put an end to this situation and for Annie there's no way. She was just a passionate woman who wants to be loved. But at the end she was crazy, Annie wanted to find her life in a book. She was searching for a life and for a reason to exist. But Paul finished with her existence.

jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

It's kill or be killed now....

Seems like Paul can't find a way to escape while Annie is crazier than ever. She wants him to write Misery and give her a happy life. But Paul knows perfectly that now he has to risk everything to have his life again. So when he finish the novel, Annie come to the room, excited about the idea, she kiss Paul telling him that he's the love of her entire life. Paul tell her that she has to wait a few days and then she will be able to see it. Then Annie goes to the town and Paul try to escape again because he can't resist this situation anymore. It's kill or be killed now. He has to find a way out. When Annie returns, she realize that Paul wannted to escape so she lay him down on the bed and here it comes. Worst moment on the book & movie. She puts a table between Paul's legs. "I have to do this Paul, I can't let you go." Paul's bones cracked in just seconds. With a hammer, Annie hit him with anger. It was his end..... ?

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Misery II?

I was thinking about this possibility, it would be nice to see a sequel of the movie but sometimes the second parts are not so good at all. The idea of put the life of Annie in a second movie is quite interesting. In fact, there are so much key facts that could help. Annie was arrested and she was a nurser who killed many babies so her madness maybe is justified with these facts. Human nature is a factor in this novel, if Misery II comes out, it should recreate the nature of Annie as a madness person at all. There's no other way to start another movie. It must begin with Anni'es life and how she enrolled with Misery. What's the essence in Misery's books that makes Annie feel so good? There aare a lot of lost points in the movie that could fit perfectly in a sequel. Well, at the end, it's just an idea. Maybe as I said second parts are not good at all.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

The woman behind Annie

Annie Wilkes, the horror character of the novel, was played by Kathy Bates who won an Oscar for that role. There's no better actress for Annie. Kathy has all the characteristics that Annie has. 
The fact that she won an Oscar says a lot of the role she played. Her force and precision in the movie was the key. Annie had to be a crazy but clever woman, someone obsessed with Misery. Annie never had a life, a real social life. Kathy knew how to make the combination and how to create a life inside of Misery because that was the key of the movie. Annie lived just for Misery and without Misery her life was over. She was able to cause you fear just with that evil looking, with that feeling of loneliness that makes you think that she'll do anything for get what she wants. Some actresses like Bette Midler turned down the role because they didn't want to be seen as a deranged. In fact, that was the image needed to Annie and obviously the trump card for the Oscar. Kathy took that risk and changed her image just to be Annie in that moment. She knew that Annie will be totally different in all the perspectives. But changes are good, changes are the key for the success and that's what helped Kathy.  

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Ways to escape....

It's been a long time, now everything's clear, there's no snow out there but Paul feels bad. His legs are recovering but he can't take it anymore, he needs to go out or he'll be crazy soon. But he made a plan. Everyday Annie gives him the pills, the glorious pills. Then he put them away because he's not confident about the help they can give him. Everyday he has to put the substance of the pills in a little secret place. He knew from the beggining about the "love" Annie couldn't hide. She was sure about their future together. So Paul started his plan to escape.

The dinner take place and Annie is so excited that she just can't hide it anymore. Paul asks for some candels and wine to put a romantic mood in this meeting. He knows the time is short so he put the drug in her glass of wine. When Annie come back, she accidentally drop out the glass, which makes us think about the destiny isn't it?, Annie doesn't know anything about this but, somehow, she save herself. Now Paul is dissapointed, he has to start again. Everything is good as soon as he's safe.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

A letter to the author

Hey there Stephen!
I'm reading "Misery" and so far I think it's good, quite different, but really impressive and I think it's one of your biggest works. Misery could be one of the horror novels that doesn't need monsters or creepy things to be good. This pshycological thing it's too good to be true.
But I guess it was difficult to write such a difficult novel. In fact, the creation of Annie was a hard point. The human nature is tricky sometimes and I believe that's what you wanted to say in the book. But I wonder about the difficulties in the writing. Maybe Annie was too strong just like Misery. The impact oof Annie in the novel was great but how do you create something so perfect, so precise and so evil but without that evil looking? That's what I admire you. You can take my fears and make them even worse. But what about you? I guess it's more scared and difficult create such an amazing and perfect character than a monster with big eyes and ugly feet.
There's no doubt for me that the motivation of this novel it's about human nature and fanatism. Watch out King! I may go for you!. The crazy Annie, I just can't forget her. But what was your motivation? because I'm watching another point of view. In general, human nature it's more dangerous. Humans are the most dangerous thing in the whole world and I can perceive that while I'm reading the novel. I know I'm just taking too long but finally I want to know what were the difficulties in the writing of Misery? but for real, Annie was too strong for you? Did Paul was just too stupid or too clever? Do you enjoy the book? If you could change something in the story, what would you change?. Thanks for read this and by the way I'M YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN! :D

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

New start?

It seems like nothing happened. Annie was angry but why she is so peaceful now? That's why Paul is scared. He prefer Annie angry than peaceful and quiet. Suddenly Annie told him that he had to bring Misery to live but how she's dead now and it's impossible. Not for Annie, remember, she is crazy, she is nuts and she definitely would do everything for Misery. So Paul had to started a new Misery's story. He had no choice, he was devastaded, useless, in her hands. Annie brought everything needed. So then Paul started. Annie was happy and excited. She is a psycho. FOR SURE.

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011


It was midnight and Paul was relaxing at the bed. Thinking, maybe, on how destiny is so fierce, all his questions that nobody could answered, he just knew that things happen for a specific reason. "So useless", he thought, useless for everything. In fact, he could barely move to get a better position with the bed. Then Annie was watching over the darkness of the room. Staring at the door, she was devasted. "HOW COULD YOU?" she screamed so loud. WHO ARE YOU PAUL? HOW COULD YOU KILL MISERY? HOW COULD YOU?. Paul was disturbed by Annie. The bed was moving so fast in every sense. She was angry but not just angry, she was crazy.

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Unknown words

While I was reading the book, I could find some unknown words for me:

Droplets - In spanish "gotas"
Blindly - whitout seeing, adverb.
Dribble - act of drop, small quantity.
Bewilderment - Confused, desoriented.

I checked the meaning and then I could read peacefully again. If you have another meaning of these words, it will be good if you let me know.

domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

New story?, Bad critics?, Last Misery's book?


Two days by now, Paul is far from home, and now he depends on Annie in all the possibles ways.
When Paul crashed, Annie took a script, a new script, from Sheldon, she thought on that moment that it could be Misery's new story.

Annie asked Paul if she can read the script, and Paul immediately accept.

Paul wnated to write something different, this could be his master piece after Misery, he can see the huge success .... (Sheldon, the great writer, has now a whole different new story and it's a best seller)

Then, one day, Annie came into the room to feed Paul, but Annie wanted to talk about the new story.

Annie started to scream, she didn't like the story - What the hell is this Paul?, there's so many bad words, what do you think? that I goto the market and I say to the assistant "Hey duda can you give that freaking bag of carrots?, and that stupid bottle of orange juice please, you are so freaking slow, come on hurry up dude"

Paul started to worry, Annie was crazy, he knew that already but he couldn't do anything.

Annie said sorry, and then she left home, she went to the town and when she returned ...

Annie showed her cards, then, the beggining of the end, she bought the new Misery's story "Misery's child" she didn't know it was the last one, and when she find it out . . . .  the end?

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

First Impression

Paul Sheldon, famous writer known by his master piece "Misery", had an accident while he was driving. A snow storm came right ahead and he fell down with the car.

But now he's safe, Annie Wilkes saved him and now he's in her house, Annie told him that she was her biggest fan, but first impression is always right isn't it?.

Paul knows something is not right with Annie but he'll figure it out in a bad way.

For now, he's safe and Annie is taking care of him.

He's lucky right?, his biggest fan is helping him, what a lucky man! huh?

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

"Yes", she said, smiling. "That's just what I am"

Basically the story is about a writer named Paul Sheldon who is very famous because of his best-sellers and one in particular, "Misery" a novel, suddenly he gets into an accident in which Annie help him and take him home, but it was the beginning of the end for Paul, he took the wrong choice about "Misery" because he gave it a finish, and Annie is not so happy about that....

More Details...

Title: Misery
Author: Stephen King
Annie Wilkes
Paul Sheldon

Well, everyone knows that there's a movie based on this novel, so I'm gonna use pictures of the movies to show a little bit more, and then it'll be more clear because you'll have an idea while I'm telling you the story.

  She is Annie Wilkes, perturbing right? And this is just the beginning

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Interesting Book...

So finally I chose a book and I realized that it was not very difficult, this book is from my favorite author: Stephen King.
Misery is a really interesting book, it's a mystery book but it combines horror with suspense.
A good reference could be that there's a movie that is based in this novel, and the actress Kathy Bates won an Oscar for this movie, it was directed by Rob Reiner.

Well I think for now it's so much information about the book, I think later I'll tell you more about the characters and something about the plot.

Thanks, write you later (;