domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

New story?, Bad critics?, Last Misery's book?


Two days by now, Paul is far from home, and now he depends on Annie in all the possibles ways.
When Paul crashed, Annie took a script, a new script, from Sheldon, she thought on that moment that it could be Misery's new story.

Annie asked Paul if she can read the script, and Paul immediately accept.

Paul wnated to write something different, this could be his master piece after Misery, he can see the huge success .... (Sheldon, the great writer, has now a whole different new story and it's a best seller)

Then, one day, Annie came into the room to feed Paul, but Annie wanted to talk about the new story.

Annie started to scream, she didn't like the story - What the hell is this Paul?, there's so many bad words, what do you think? that I goto the market and I say to the assistant "Hey duda can you give that freaking bag of carrots?, and that stupid bottle of orange juice please, you are so freaking slow, come on hurry up dude"

Paul started to worry, Annie was crazy, he knew that already but he couldn't do anything.

Annie said sorry, and then she left home, she went to the town and when she returned ...

Annie showed her cards, then, the beggining of the end, she bought the new Misery's story "Misery's child" she didn't know it was the last one, and when she find it out . . . .  the end?

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