miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Misery II?

I was thinking about this possibility, it would be nice to see a sequel of the movie but sometimes the second parts are not so good at all. The idea of put the life of Annie in a second movie is quite interesting. In fact, there are so much key facts that could help. Annie was arrested and she was a nurser who killed many babies so her madness maybe is justified with these facts. Human nature is a factor in this novel, if Misery II comes out, it should recreate the nature of Annie as a madness person at all. There's no other way to start another movie. It must begin with Anni'es life and how she enrolled with Misery. What's the essence in Misery's books that makes Annie feel so good? There aare a lot of lost points in the movie that could fit perfectly in a sequel. Well, at the end, it's just an idea. Maybe as I said second parts are not good at all.

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