martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Misery's impact on culture.

Stephen King's Misery was such a success around the world. Everyone knows him for his works and epic moments on his novels. The Shining was not the exception. 30 seconds to Mars made a video called "The Kill" which is inspired on Stephen King's The Shining. "It" was another movie that had such an impact, specially with the little kids who were afraid of Pennywise. Without a doubt, King is such a genius and he knows how to make an impact with every work. And, of course, Misery is not the exception at all. A mexican group called "División Minúscula" wrote a song based on this novel, the song is called "Tinta Y Papel" and it talked about obssesion. Maroon 5 has a song relationed with Misery too. It is called "Misery", so original right?. The video is quite similar to the plot of Misery.
It is not a surprise that Misery caused such impact on society, we all have our own Annie, inside or outside us.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011


Misery is such an interesting book because, in my personal opinion, King is the only author who can take put your biggest fears with easy things or just daily things. King doesn't need blood or monsters to make you feel scared. It's all in the mind and he knows that. Mind control is a key for King's movies. It's just that feeling when you know thta these things could happen at anytime and the worst things is that these things could happen in your daily life. That's why I loved the book, Misery is about Annie's searching. Searching in life & love. She found that on Misery's books which is totally good but what happened at some point? She was totally mental and she put her life on Misery's life. Human nature is different and it depends on each person's psychology. If you read the book carefully, you'll find out all these things. It's such a master piece because King talked about human nature, searching of life & obsession which makes a perfect combination and you can see in the novel.

I'm your #1 FAN.

At the end of the novel, Paul is eating with a friend in a restaurant. Suddenly, his friend asked him about his new novel which is inspired on Annie's situation. Paul told him that Annie made him strong and capable to do new things. Then, the waitress came and, it's Annie, she told him to Paul if he wanted something else. Paul said that it's enough and the waitress said "Oh, by the way Mr. Sheldon, I'M YOUR NUMBER 1 FAN!". Now the waitress is not Annie and suddenly she is. Paul saw her a lot of times on his fans' faces or just in people's faces but thta was quite good for him because he could get over Annie at all.

The End...

Pain, that's what Paul lived the last weeks of his life but know he has Annie on his hands with the new Misery's book. Annie want to see it but Paul has an idea. He will burn the book in front of Annie and then it'll be the end of both. At the end of the story, Annie killed the sheriff and try to kill Paul because he burned the book. They had a confrontation that it's just awesome, you can't stop reading the book in that specific part. Annie seems to be killed now, so Paul run - on his "particular" way - to the door and then, SURPRISE, the deathless Annie is here, Paul fight for his life and try so at the end he can't take it anymore and .... Paul killed Annie. He finally can put an end to this situation and for Annie there's no way. She was just a passionate woman who wants to be loved. But at the end she was crazy, Annie wanted to find her life in a book. She was searching for a life and for a reason to exist. But Paul finished with her existence.