martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

A letter to the author

Hey there Stephen!
I'm reading "Misery" and so far I think it's good, quite different, but really impressive and I think it's one of your biggest works. Misery could be one of the horror novels that doesn't need monsters or creepy things to be good. This pshycological thing it's too good to be true.
But I guess it was difficult to write such a difficult novel. In fact, the creation of Annie was a hard point. The human nature is tricky sometimes and I believe that's what you wanted to say in the book. But I wonder about the difficulties in the writing. Maybe Annie was too strong just like Misery. The impact oof Annie in the novel was great but how do you create something so perfect, so precise and so evil but without that evil looking? That's what I admire you. You can take my fears and make them even worse. But what about you? I guess it's more scared and difficult create such an amazing and perfect character than a monster with big eyes and ugly feet.
There's no doubt for me that the motivation of this novel it's about human nature and fanatism. Watch out King! I may go for you!. The crazy Annie, I just can't forget her. But what was your motivation? because I'm watching another point of view. In general, human nature it's more dangerous. Humans are the most dangerous thing in the whole world and I can perceive that while I'm reading the novel. I know I'm just taking too long but finally I want to know what were the difficulties in the writing of Misery? but for real, Annie was too strong for you? Did Paul was just too stupid or too clever? Do you enjoy the book? If you could change something in the story, what would you change?. Thanks for read this and by the way I'M YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN! :D

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

New start?

It seems like nothing happened. Annie was angry but why she is so peaceful now? That's why Paul is scared. He prefer Annie angry than peaceful and quiet. Suddenly Annie told him that he had to bring Misery to live but how she's dead now and it's impossible. Not for Annie, remember, she is crazy, she is nuts and she definitely would do everything for Misery. So Paul had to started a new Misery's story. He had no choice, he was devastaded, useless, in her hands. Annie brought everything needed. So then Paul started. Annie was happy and excited. She is a psycho. FOR SURE.