lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011


It was midnight and Paul was relaxing at the bed. Thinking, maybe, on how destiny is so fierce, all his questions that nobody could answered, he just knew that things happen for a specific reason. "So useless", he thought, useless for everything. In fact, he could barely move to get a better position with the bed. Then Annie was watching over the darkness of the room. Staring at the door, she was devasted. "HOW COULD YOU?" she screamed so loud. WHO ARE YOU PAUL? HOW COULD YOU KILL MISERY? HOW COULD YOU?. Paul was disturbed by Annie. The bed was moving so fast in every sense. She was angry but not just angry, she was crazy.

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Unknown words

While I was reading the book, I could find some unknown words for me:

Droplets - In spanish "gotas"
Blindly - whitout seeing, adverb.
Dribble - act of drop, small quantity.
Bewilderment - Confused, desoriented.

I checked the meaning and then I could read peacefully again. If you have another meaning of these words, it will be good if you let me know.